
New features, updates and improvements to Grawt

  1. Personalized Double Opt-In Confirmation

    New Feature

    Double opt-in confirmation emails will now be sent from your connected sending domain (if connected) or from grawtapp.com by default.

  2. Revamped Button Element

    New Feature

    We’ve rebuilt the button element to allow sub-text and icons. Customize your buttons with more detailed information and engaging visuals.

  3. Link Images Directly

    New Feature

    Now, you can link images seamlessly within the page builder, making your landing pages even more interactive.

  4. Custom Labels & Enhanced Radius Settings

    New Feature

    You can now change the labels of typography, providing more control over your text styling, & you can now enjoy more precise control over radius settings, perfecting the design of your elements.

  5. Seamless Icon Search

    New Feature

    Now, you can easily find the perfect icon with the new search function on the icon selection screen

  6. Custom Confirmation URLs

    New Feature

    The confirmation URL will now be generated from your primary domain instead of using the grawt.me domain, adding a personal touch to your confirmation emails.


  7. Landing Pages Improvements


    Smart Browser Caching: Our front-end code now utilizes versioning, ensuring the browser caches appropriately but fetches the latest code when updates occur. Faster and smarter loading times!

    Improved Block Loading: Experience smoother and quicker loading for blocks, enhancing your workflow.


  8. Bug Fixes


    Landing Page Builder Width/Height Fix: We’ve resolved an issue where removing the whole value from width and height settings was causing input errors.

    Home Page Restriction Bug: Fixed a bug that allowed multiple home pages to be created. Now, you can only have one designated home page as intended.

    Slug Checking: Previously, slugs were being checked across all accounts, causing conflicts. This has been rectified to ensure slugs are restricted to individual domains.

    Form Submission Redirect: Fixed a bug where widgets and forms did not redirect correctly after submission, ensuring a seamless user experience.

    Icon Alignment Bug: Fixed a bug where alignment of icons don't behave correctly in the page builder.

  9. AI Studio Now Uses GPT-4o


    We’ve upgraded AI Studio to the advanced GPT-4o model, replacing GPT-3.5-turbo. Your existing AI profiles will automatically leverage GPT-4o for enhanced content generation, with no additional setup or cost required.

  10. Turkish Language Support

    New Feature

    AI Studio now supports Turkish, allowing you to create captivating lead magnets for a broader audience. Expand your reach with this new language option!

    Turkish language